
Etienne worked with our class of 20 students at Burlington Code Academy, helping us to write, rewrite and fine-tune our resumes; she also held weekly career development workshops that provided us with a wealth of practical as well as theoretical tools.

Etienne has an astonishing and rare gift for balance: she’s rigorous while also fun and spontaneous, she’s precise and thorough but not nitpicky, she’s knowledgeable yet very natural and absolutely not standoffish, she’s pragmatic and free-spirited.

She finds the best way to identify and maximize the individual talents of each person she works with, developing realistic goals that grow from their skills and strong points, rather than pressing people into a ‘successful’ template.
She genuinely wants to help everyone she comes into contact with – not just in her professional capacity, but in any way she can. As she says, ‘if what you’re doing comes from a place of love, you can’t go wrong’.

It was an immense pleasure to learn from her.

Anis Memon

Full-stack Web Developer | Translator

Overall B Impact Score

We must be the change we seek in the world

Certified since: July, 2013